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ACEF de la Péninsule

ACEF de la Péninsule

ACEF de la Péninsule offers direct assistance services to the population and organizes information, education and intervention activities. We offer a free and confidential consultation service for people who are experiencing budgetary difficulties as well as a consumer rights defense service. We also ensure the collective defense of rights through mobilization and action around issues that have an impact on consumers. The clientele served by this organization are young adults, adults and seniors. Among the territories served, we find the Magdalen Islands as well as the MRC de la Matanie, MRC de la Vallée de la Matapédia, MRC de la Haute-Gaspésie, MRC de la Côte-de-Gaspé, MRC Rocher-Percé, MRC Bonaventure and MRC d'Avignon.


info Information and documentation

Cost : Fee-based
Language : French, English
Scheduless : Day (8 am - 4 pm)
Conditions for access : Open to all
Talk and conferences : Talks, Information sessions
Documentation : Newsleter, Magazine, Paper documentation
Web ressources : Documentation site web, Capsules audio and video
Location : At the organization

training Training activities

Types : Themed workshops in person
Cost : Free, Fee-based
Language : French , English
Scheduless : Day (8 am - 4 pm), Evening (4 pm - 12 midnight)
Delivery notes : En ligne
Location : At the organization
Conditions for access : Open to all

legal Legal and tax

Areas covered

Region(s) and cities

Bas-Saint-Laurent, Gaspésie–Îles-de-la-Madeleine


Sainte-Marguerite-Marie, Sainte-Florence, Causapscal, Albertville, Saint-Léon-le-Grand, Saint-Zénon-du-Lac-Humqui, Sainte-Irène, Amqui, Lac-au-Saumon, Saint-Alexandre-des-Lacs, Saint-Tharcisius, Saint-Vianney, Val-Brillant, Sayabec, Saint-Cléophas, Saint-Moïse, Saint-Noël, Saint-Damase, [...]

Other points of service