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Centre d'action bénévole Aux 4 vents

Mission: To promote and develop volunteer action in the various sectors of human activity by fostering a space for volunteer engagement around social, community and humanitarian issues that concern the populationMission: To promote and develop volunteer action in the various sectors of human activity by fostering a space for volunteer engagement around social, community and humanitarian issues that concern the population. Clientele: Seniors with loss of autonomy, Families and individuals in need, Volunteers, Organizations. Territory: Saint-Joachim-de-Shefford, Shefford, Warden and Waterloo.


info Information and documentation

Cost : Free, Fee-based
Language : French
Scheduless :
Conditions for access : Open to all
Talk and conferences : Talks, Information sessions
Documentation : Newsleter, Paper documentation
Web ressources : Documentation site web, Capsules audio and video
Location : At the organization

support Self-help and support

legal Legal and tax

home Home support

transport Transportation

Areas covered

Region(s) and cities



Waterloo, Warden, Shefford, Saint-Joachim-de-Shefford